Mindy Chillery, Executive Director (part-time)
Lauryn Dunn, Meanwhile Space Co-ordinator (part-time)
Sophie Clausen, Lead Producer (part-time)
Artspace regularly works with locally based creative freelancers to support our activities. In the last 12 we have worked with:
Chloe Morgan (marketing and communications management)
Cory Barrett (on-line shop consultant and website development)
Helen Kilby Nelson (Project Manager Speedy Crits pilot and Artist Development materials)
Hardish Virk (Audience Development Strategy development)
Janet Tryner (Artist Development materials and illustration)
Mandip Seehra (photography)
Orchis (website development – Artspace Exchange)
Artspace Ambassadors
Gurdip Junjuha
Dav Kaur
Kitty Kaur
Jatin Lealh
Gayatri Pasricha
Mandip Seehra
Advisory Group
Our Advisory Group reviews studio and exhibition applications every 2 months and provides advice to the Board on the use of spaces and on activities.
Hannah Colvin (Artspace Trustee, Artspace Artist Listing Artist)
Samantha Williams (Artspace Artist Listing Artist)
Janet Tyner (Artspace graduate artist-in-residency 2019-20, Studio holder, Artspace Artist Listing Artist)
Betsy Bradley (Studio holder , Artspace Artist Listing Artist)
Prashan Kansara (Studio holder, Artspace Artist Listing Artist)
mélissandre varin (Artist-in-residence, Artspace Artist Listing Artist)
Helen Kilby Nelson (Graduate artist-in-residence, Artspace Artist Listing Artist)
Cory Barrett (Artspace Trustee)
Board of Trustees
Nicola Richardson (Chair)
Ritchie Bosworth (Treasurer)
Hannah Sutherland
Ryan Hughes
Hardish Virk
Mandip Seehra
José Forrest
Cory Barrett
Coventry Artspace seeks to ensure that at least 60% of Trustees are practising artists or curators (currently 88%).
Coventry Artspace is grateful for the advice and support it often receives from its many cultural partners in the city and the region. This is particularly true for those partners who are resident with us at Eaton House and help us to manage our spaces, introduce new artists to our activities and often act as ambassadors for us. Currently resident with us are Coventry Biennial, Photo Miners and Talking Birds. We are also working with Outside In Midlands Hub on developing a formal long-term partnership that will help us to ensure artists facing barriers to the art world are well supported and warmly welcomed in our community.
In the current financial year Artspace has received project grant support from:
Coventry City Council: Artist Residency; Artist On My Street, Round 1; Ambassadors Scheme; Artspace Exchange / Consultancy Bank
Coventry City of Culture Trust: Artist On My Street; Artist Development, Artspace Exchange / Consultancy Bank
Arts Council England: Artist Residency; Artist On My Street; Ambassadors Scheme; Artist Development; Artspace Exchange / Consultancy Bank